Frida combines the Diva image and style due to her early background as a jazz cabaret singer and the Rocker (a sort of female alter ego to elvis) , all along her carreer , solo swedish then ABBA and finnally solo , her taste has evolved and it's shown on her recordings , unlike Agnetha and Benny , she used to snob pop , then discovered soul and motown (stevie wonder) , then funk (earth wind and fire) ,
and had admired many acts but we see at the end that she doesn't sound like anybody in the show business , very few times she sounds like some singer (Edith Piaf ) on very few notes but she stays unique so her voice impact on songs not the reverse
(unlike Agnetha who "adapt" her voice to the song like an actor )
that way had unequal results and some covers are better than the original but most of her covers sounds weird ,it's seems as if her personality is too strong and impose her unique voice on the tune .
Frida 1967-1972
(combines these two Lps)
CD 1
1."En Ledig Dag" ("Weekend in Portofino") (Matteo Chiosso, Bruno Defilippi, Bengt Sten) +++++
her first recoding and what a recording !
perfect interpretation of a classic hit performed by the greatest but it doesn't prevent her from giving an original performance with some skills on the TV version !
2."Peter Kom Tillbaka" ("Junge, Komm Bald Wieder") (Lotar Olias, Olle Bergman) +++
a german classic , shlager of the top , but as an ABBA member , she manage to give the song all the chances to shine through her magic voice .
3."Din" ("Quiereme Mucho") (Gonzalo Roig, Jerico) +++++
if there was a pattern song that would show her way of singing , that's it , her restrained manner , her perfect diction , her jazz vibrato , honestly it's my favourite version (even Connie Francis can't do better)
4."Du Är Så Underbart Rar" ("Can't Take My Eyes Off You") (Bob Crewe, Bob Gaudio, B.S. Bimen) ++++
she gives a special classical version , you have to listen to it many times before you could appreciate it , but the better is to try to forget the eighties version , because this is completely old fashioned and adorable !
5."Simsalabim" (Gunnar Sandevärn)
average evergreenesque song .
6."Vi Möts Igen" ("Where Are They Now?") (Bradford Craig, Ty Whitney, Bengt Haslum) ++++
compared to the phlegmatic Astrud gilberto version , she gives a rendition with less retrain from the usual , lots of emotion and class in the same time !
7."Mycket Kär" ("Non Illuderti Mai") (Daniele Pace, Mario Panzeri, Lorenzo Pilat, Stikkan Anderson) ++++
although the Italian version is the best , this one has a special charming Mexican horn section that I particularly affectionate, it gives warm to the heart ! (I love Mexican culture ) so my critic is biased by the two factors (fan of ABBA and mexico)
8."När Du Blir Min" ("The Lonesome Road") (Nat Shilkret, Olle Bergman) +
compared to little stevie's version it's a completely different song ?
9."Härlig Är Vår Jord" (Ivan Renliden)
nothing to say !
10."Räkna De Lyckliga Stunderna Blott" (Jules Sylvain, Karl-Ewert) +
her rendition is too much restrained , i wonder what Agnetha would have come up with this !
11."Så Synd Du Måste Gå" ("Comment te dire adieu?"/"It Hurts To Say Goodbye") (Jack Gold, Arnold Golan, Stikkan Anderson) ++++++
a little better than Francoise Hardy (though i love Hardy) but the way she sings the spoken part is wonderful !
12."Försök Och Sov På Saken" ("Surround Yourself With Sorrow") (Bill Martin, Phil Coulter, Bo-Göran Edling) ++++
this is also more energetic than the english version , i especially like the very Scandinavian 'ooh' at every verse and do it every time i listen to it !
13."Peter Pan" (Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus)
the best version of this really bad song is svenne's !
14."Du Betonar Kärlek Lite Fel" (Peter Himmelstrand)
worst ever song along with Agnetha's Gonzales !
15."Där Du Går Lämnar Kärleken Spår" ("Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)") (Barry Mason, Tony Macaulay, Olle Bergman) ++++
here also you can hear her extraordinary and unique texture of her voice !
16."Du Var Främling Här Igår" ("I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten") (Clive Westlake, Patrice Hellberg) ++++
equally as good as the original .
17."Tre Kvart Från Nu" (Arthur Rubinstein, Peter Himmelstrand) +++++
one of her highlights from that period , Anne sofie von otter could never match the 10th of her splendid interpretation !
18."Jag Blir Galen När Jag Tänker På Dej" ("Goin' Out of My Head") (Teddy Randazzo, Robert Weinstein, Stikkan Anderson) ++++
here jut like for 'du ar so underbart rar' you need to acclimate with Scandinavian music before you can love it !
19."Lycka" (Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Stikkan Andersson) ++
I say , no matter what angry fans think , Bjorn's version is better , her rendition is too sophisticated for a song that promotes simplicity !
20."Sen Dess Har Jag Inte Sett 'En" (Trad. arr. Claes Rosendahl, Lars Berghagen) ++++++
the highlight of this period the melody is haunting and her rendition perfectly adapted to the song !
CD 2
1."En Ton Av Tystnad" ("The Sound of Silence") (Paul Simon, Owe Junsjö) very different from the original , it sounds kind of bizarre !
her voice completly unconcerned seems odd compared to the Garfunkel version , here, Agnetha more close to Garfunkel , would have been more suitable to sing it !
2."Suzanne" (Leonard Cohen, Owe Junsjö)
of course nobody can sing like Leonard Cohen , just like Elvis nobody can match his singing , so Frida here and even Francoise Hardy who sang it in french are completely outside the atmosphere .
3."Allting Skall Bli Bra" / "Vad Gör Jag Med Min Kärlek?" ("Everything's Alright"/"I Don't Know How to Love Him" from Jesus Christ Superstar) (Tim Rice, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Owe Junsjö)
the worst interpretations of this JCS classics .
i'm sure Ella fitzgerald (the greatest singer of the world) would have been as bad as Frida at this ! because these songs suite more ingenue style singers like Agnetha or Olivia !
4."Jag Är Beredd" ("And I'll Be There") (Paul Leka, Denise Gross, Stikkan Anderson) ++++++
this is the third pattern song highlighting the extraordinary texture of her voice , it sounds much better than the original and she's so modern though the backing group is not very update.
hopefully Benny came up with more modern producing and offered her some pearls !
5."En Liten Sång Om Kärlek" ("Five Pennies Saints") (Sylvia Fine, Lars Berghagen) +++++
the perfect evergreen for her , she's brilliant at these !
that kind of song doesn't suit Agnetha's (though her abilities are so diverse !)
6."Telegram Till Fullmånen" (Cornelis Vreeswijk, Georg Riedel) +++++
best rendition of this Swedish classic .
7."Barnen Sover" (Peter Himmelstrand) ++++++
the best ever song of her early period , she's magical , dreamy , the melody is haunting , sort of 'I let the music speak part 1' !
8."En Kväll Om Sommar'n" (duet with Lars Berghagen) ("Changes") (Phil Ochs, Lars Berghagen) +++
9."Vi Vet Allt, Men Nästan Inget" (duet with Lars Berghagen) (Lars Berghagen) +++
these duets are good nothing more , lars has a great voice but he doesn't take the best songs !
10."Min Egen Stad" (Benny Andersson, Peter Himmelstrand) ++++
rework of Benny old hepstars 'it's nice to be back' just a few years and you could see the difference , the recording sounds so modern .
11."En Gång Är Ingen Gång" ("There Goes My Everything") (Dallas Frazier, Stikkan Anderson) +++
nobody can do better than Elvis even our beloved Anni-frid . of course Frida , here, is a million times better than the hootenanny singers
12."Vi Är Alla Bara Barn I Början" (Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus) ++++
one of my favorite , it has got very early seventies trade mark but has a great cello intro !
13."Kom Och Sjung En Sång" ("No Sad Song") (Carole King, Toni Stern, Stikkan Andersson) +++
the song itself is average ,so Frida heightened it !
Bonus tracks (TV and radio appearances 1970)
all the songs highlight the talent of the singer , she's just so at ease withthis kind of evergreens !
14."Att Älska I Vårens Tid" (Gunnar Nystroem, Gösta Rybrant) ++++++
the springtime and the love quest season !
15."Ole Lukköje" (Ingrid Almqvist, Ingemar Malmström) ++++++
Mr sand man and hush baby hush !
16."Vad Gör Det Att Vi Skiljs För I Afton" (Nils Jolinder, Karl-Ewert) +++++++
the evening breaking song with a completely detached Frida using her complex scale to build a very simplistic rendition !
17."Min Soldat" (Nils Perne) +++
18."Barnen Sover" (Live) (Peter Himmelstrand) ++
of course the studio version is better .
Christmas songs (1972)
her favourite Christmas songs (recorded just before the Ring Ring album sessions )
Gläns över sjö och strand (shine over lake and beach) ++++++
När det lider mot jul (approximately , when xmas comes ) ++++++
both songs are perfectly chosen and interpreted , better than the Agnetha versions , it seems that this kind of songs suit more to Frida's voice .
Bonus tracks, 2005 remaster of Ensam
this bonus track don't fit at all with this album , they would have been on a bonus CD from the box set with other rare recordings and it would have been better than a birthday gift for fans but unfortunately that wasn't the case !
12."Man vill ju leva lite dessemellan" ("Chi Salta Il Fosso") (V. Taricotti, M. Marrachi, F. Evangelisti, Stikkan Anderson) ++++++
one of my all time favorite vocals of hers , maybe the ultimate pattern of her voice at the height of her solo career .
the swedish lyrics eans , man must leave something for himself not devotins all his time to his work and have apassion or a lover ! ("live between ")
13."Ska man skratta eller gråta?" ("Principessa") (G. Baldazzi, S. Bardotti, R. Cellamare, Stikkan Anderson) ++++
taken literally it means "should we laugh or cry" ?
this is another big song from the early era and t's quite a success in ters of everything
and what makes this two songs wonderfull and also inadequate on this CD , it's the fact that unlike the Ensam album , they features members of ABBA at the vocals and if you take the songs and made them listen to a non ABBA fan and say , this is ABBA in Swedish (not Frida solo) he would believe you if he has a little idea of the voices of the band !
Frida Ensam (1975)
Regarding production and technical aspects , it's a superb album , but the choice of covers is not accurate , Frida shines on some songs but misses out in pop bands covers and ten cc , Beach boys songs covers are completely failed , the lyrics by Stig don't mean anything in the wall street shuffle and it has been criticized heavily on ten cc fan website .
Benny succeeded in his mission but Frida who have faith in others choice would have tried herself to see if the songs matched her voice .
as a result there are so many big numbers that the two weak songs are completely digestible .
1."Fernando" (Stikkan Anderson, Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus) ++++++
this is a triumph ,not only as a hit but a success in terms of rendition , orchestration and production . the version is enough different from the english following version on ABBA's repertoire . the strings just (as in "honey honey" in swedish) are more prominent , the lyrics are romantic (the english version is about South american guerilla) and Frida's voice is so dominant that we don't notice that it's not Agnetha on the backing track but another swedish singer Inger Öst , the song is a classic , almost evergreen if it weren't latin folk !
you can listen to it (either this or the english-spanish versions) for hours without getting tired of !
2."Jag är mig själv nu" ("Young Girl") (J. Fuller, Marie Bergman) ++++
this is an example of how Frida transforma song into another entity , and in this case a success
although it sounds exactly as a song from the era and certainly dated , it's a delight to hear and it's even danceable !
3."Som en sparv" (Barbro Hörberg, Jan Askelind) +++++
a masterpiece on its own , the kind of songs that she would have done exclusively if she hadn't met Benny and Stikkan and would have continue to have chart failure or stopped music and became a queen of fashion !
the lyrics deal with trust , passion and betrayal .
4."Vill du låna en man?" ("The Most Beautiful Girl") (N. Wilson, R. Bourke, B. Sherrill, Stikkan Anderson) +++
here although the backing track sounds like the original with less energy , her voice so diff rent from Charlie Rich's (very mannish) made it completely feminine and you wonder how could sting think of such a song to give to a lady but she succeed partly to give a respectable rendition !
5."Liv på Mars?" ("Life on Mars?") (David Bowie, Owe Junsjö) ++++
this is the greatest rendition of that song ever , a triumph , Frida gives a palette of wonderful vocals finish in an apotheosis, explosion of metalloid vocals , it's one their best ever interpretation (although she was not familiar with rock'n'roll at the time )
6."Syrtaki" ("Siko Chorepse Syrtaki") (G. Zambetas, A. Sakelarios, Sam Lundwall) +++
this is a perfect rendition of the greek classic , the swedish language give it a new height !
the only problem is that it doesn't fit as a track just after the Bowie song and it would have been clever to put it between two italian covers !
don't forget that it wa released in the vinyl era and shuffle , program of reading CDs didn't exist !
7."Aldrig mej" ("Vado Via") (E. Riccardi, L. Albertelli, Stikkan Anderson) ++
this is an italian classic covered by numerous latin artist (french , spanish and others ) it's got a sort of mixture between italian melody and blues gospel atmosphere and here strangely enough , the blues feeling is patent and Frida succeed in it !
8."Guld och gröna ängar" ("The Wall Street Shuffle") (Eric Stewart, Graham Gouldman, Owe Junsjö)
the first failure , ten cc's version has exactly the same backing track , but it seems that Frida's voice doesn't fit at all and the lyrics are really terrible !
9."Ett liv i solen" ("Anima Mia") (F. Paulin, I. Michetti, Mats Paulson) +++++
that is another triumph on the album , this is also a big italian classic but Frida gives perhaps the best cover ever , everything is perfect from the vocals to the arrangements !
10."Skulle de' va' skönt" ("Wouldn't It Be Nice") (Brian Wilson, T. Asher, Marie Bergman)
the second failure , maybe because the Beach Boys version is too perfect and nobody can cover it perfectly , maybe if the drums were not too much loud and the vocals more prominent to drown Frida's too strong lead , it would have been better .
the two rock songs would have been laced as opening tracks before Fernando , or at the end but separably , I personally don't read them when I listen to the album !
11."Var är min clown?" ("Send in the Clowns") (Stephen Sondheim, Mats Paulson) +++++
another masterpiece , the song is of course the big master (Sondheim who is responsible for the diamond 'losing my mind') craft and even Sinatra or anyone else don't sing it better than our beloved Frida !
maybe I'm wrong but it seems that the speed has been altered , so i reworked it on computer and prefer to listen to it in a low speed , the song becomes more deep .

last solo album to date , this is a superb diamond ,a gift made by the talented Anders Glenmark (of Gemini fameamong fans) , recorded with all the latest technology , the sound is superb , reminiscnce of the perfection of the Ensam album, unlike phil Collins medley of songs collected on the"Something's going on" album , it has homogeneity , almost a concept album , dark like Frida's life at the time and certainly appropriate for the era of her life ,the album consist entirely of memorable songs but "Även en blomma" is so perfect that it stands out on any compilation , it's such a masterpiece that every songs featured on the same CD would look average .
Anders manages to bring beautiful melodies with abstraction which is rare in the ABBA music family !
1."Älska mig alltid"
the fear of losing the one we love , a dreamy dark backing track , a classical string section provided by "snyko" ensemble .
a song about seduction , imagine the painter who fall in love with his model or something like that , the male vocals here are unusual with Frida's latest british albums , especially the "goat voice" of phil collins !
3."Även en blomma"
the absolute masterpiece , everything is perfect , by moment we think of a mature clever version of a depeche mode classic !
the sleeping beauty is not so far , appeasing music cleverly combining classical guitar with synthesizer (Anders has been to the Benny and Bjorn school)
the lyrics are chosen to sound beautiful , förföras (forfora to seduce) and svava (fairy) aren't beautiful words ?
5."Hon fick som hon ville"
the true song about her separation with Benny , it's a sort of testimony or a letter about her feelings with that relationship and unlike 'when all is said and done' it's clearly about it , it reflexts more straight the situation ('she got what she wanted' ) , the lyrics of WAISAD are ambiguous (a Bjorn desire to make the recordings timeless and it works)
6."Alla mina bästa år" (Duet with Marie Fredriksson) all those best years !
another Motown pastiche , the two voices are very similar , maria's more strong , the interpretation of Frida is willingly more gentle than usual !
7."Lugna vatten"
still waters and the music tells everything , sailor and salt sea fresh water ...
8."Vem kommer såra vem ikväll?"
a tortured song (who hurt the other first )
another typical backing male vocals of this album , the sort of mannish vocals you never hear on British-american recordings but more on continental music and Mediterranean music !
9."Sista valsen med dig"
a pastiche of Lennon-Lynne anthem (reminiscence of 'woman' and one of my all time favourite songs 'can't get it out of my head' by ELO)
this is enough to describe the song !
10."Kvinnor som springer"
one of the rare Frida's own composition , and what a song!
energetic and strong almost metal !
women who hunt among wolves , woman who are enough strong to compete with men , though this is not the name of the game , many women dream to compete with men not knowing the pressure it is to be a man (since childhood) even if we give that false image of conquistadores !
on record :
Nu Vissla I Ett Slag +
(we whistle as we work) Disney song of snow-white.
Med Varann ++++++
(duet with Björn Skifs) (together)
1983 Abbacadabra fr
Belle (duet with Daniel Balavoine) +++
1984 Abbacadabra uk
Time (duet with B.A. Robertson) ++++++++
Sa lange Vi Har Haran (with Ratata) (as long as we have each other) +++++++
Anglamark (Artister for Miljo: Marie Fredriksson / Håkan Hagegård and Tomas Ledin) +++
Saltwater ++++++
La Borcarolle +++++++
( Fillippa Giordano ) from Offenbach opera tales of Hoffman
this delightful lady blend perfectly with Frida almost like Agnetha !
Sag mir lieber gott+++
(tel me my beloved god) with Dan Daniel
a very good song but Dan's voice is too ugly !
The Sun Will Shine +
a sort of pastiche of old english melodies , insipid though the magical interpretation of Frida manage to make it a classic , certainly not her best .
, the late Jon Lord (Deep purple)
In the Bleak Midnwinter (few seconds from a Jon lord xmas concert in cologne)
Morning has broken (Cat Stevens oldie)
this is a complete deception !
Cat Stevens' version is too much perfect so nobody can make a better recording !
DEMOS (list taken partially from here)
En dag om våren (EARLY 'När du blir min take 1)
En dag om våren (EARLY 'När du blir min, take2)
Du är lyckan, du är glädjen.. (you are luck , you are joy)
En lång och ödslig väg (the long and winding road , beatles song)
Gå min väg (go my own way)
Love is always young
Feel (Caracas Songfestival) a legend was created about this song recorded by francoise Hardy because she would have participate to the same festival .
ENSAM demos
Chapel of love
Med lite hjälp av musik (with help from music)
Tänk att dett var mej (what if it was me ?) (early version Skulle det var skönt)
Då vaknar alla gamla minnen (then the old memories came back or awaken )
Shot down in action°
I'm one of God's children
Can't be serious
When love turns to lies
My dearest friend
I don't wanna be alone___ (bits have surfaced)
Light of love
Wonderwall demo (but nobody seems to ever heard!)
En ledig dag° (Hylands Hörna)
1969 Charlie Norman show :
Bebi läv° +
Spara och slösa___
Lilla frun
Minns oss
1969 (Melodifestivalen)
Härlig är vår jord
1970 Malmö Stand-by
Just one of those things° +++
Mad about the boy° +++
My man°
När stenkakan slog show :
Söderhavets sång° ++++
I min blommiga blå krinolin° ++++
Vad gör det att vi skiljs för i afton (FRIDA 67 72) +++++
Min soldat°
Att älska i varens tid° +++++
Då kommer jag igen
Kalle på Spången° (worst ever TV song)
Olle Lukköje° +++++
1971 Den stora Utflyckten :
Länge leve fingret___ (known as the "finger song" nobody knows why she did it ?)
1978 Olivia!:
Una voce poco fa___ (some seconds !)
Lite grand i örat with Claes av Geijerstam :
Let's get this show on the road°
Can't buy me love°
Words of love ° +++++
Fire and ice° +++++
After the love has gone (tommy korberg) ___ ++++++
Sensuella Isabella___
Cry me a river°
Det är (Tomas Ledin)___
Tack orkestern___
1982 Eddie Skoller Show
Sången om Langfart (with Sebastian)___ ++++++++++ (superb song !)
1983 Gäster hoss Hagge (talk show)
Om du söker lycka___ ++++
Fjorton år tror javisst att jag var (some seconds rendition of the very first song of her in public !)
1992 Musik på Borggården (Artister for Miljo) :
What a wonderful world___ (a relaxed tongue in cheek version !)
anglamark , saltwater live (excellent ) +++++
and "god natt" (few seconds of rendition)
others :
Fjorton år tror javisst att jag var (Red Cross Charity) ,
1961 Bengt Sandlund Orkester.
Sweet Georgia Brown
Fly me to the moon
Let's call the whole thing off
1963 Eskilstuna talent contest
Moonlight in Vermont
Sandevärn Orkester 1964:
All of me ___ +++++ (very short but excellent)
Lagom skönt ___
Lasta inte mej
Stars fell on Alabama
The girl from Ipanema
Västeras Competition
Besame mucho
1969 Våra Favoriter ( radio)
Så synd du måste gå___
1970 festfolket : Vi är väninnor ! (we are winners !)
written by Bosse Carlgren.
1971 CABARET (Mina favoriter)
Jag och Bobby McGee
Vem släcker månen (Lasse Berghagen)
Töntingeflickorna ( Siv Ericks)
Jag har ledsna ögon men en glad rumpa
Stilla natt ___ (Uppersittarkväll Benny Andersson) (radio ) ++ (too much over the top)
Tango i den gröna (tribute to stikkan) ++++++++
Frida shining bright with a delightful unique voice !
many 'Frida songs' are in fact bits of seconds of interpretation and as she's very adamant for the release of rareties , bootlegs continue to amass among the years , and just when she says achoo ! or breathes at a party , there a CD of a compilation that appears along the old songs a track of 23 sec. !!!
(° released on the Frida DVD)